Minecraft lord of the rings mod
Minecraft lord of the rings mod

  • Download the and extract the contents.
  • Download and install Minecraft Forge installer.
  • Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit Mod Installation: Other mobs hobbits, dunedains, gondorians The current plan includes new textures, new food, new weathers, new biomes, new blocks, new mobs, NPC’s, quests, ingame jobs, new mob animals, magics, commands for mobs, a mana bar, a reputation bar, factions, ingame gamble games, ability to wear rings, ability to use two weapons, new plants, new weapons, a quest-board, new potions, new items, new vehicles, two-handed weapons, new achivements, ability to block with weapons, small blocks, gates, musical instruments, ability to see other players health, new valueables, coins, LOTR music, new height level, new neather (valinor now), a save block, goblins and gollum can crawl on walls, water in waterfalls get white, new sounds, new fighting system, keys & locks, new minecraft logo, ability to kick, new star heaven, new sort of water, horns, bells, upgrading system, fire arrows, new ores, add gore, smoke block, ability to smoke a pipe, a telescope, fireworks, snow & mud slows you, ability to become drunk, add cloaks and coats, travel faster on road blocks, special LOTR stuff and lots more. Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit Mod Features: You can recreate Middle Earth in your Minecraft world, explore it and live a life as the epic and sprawling Lord of the Rings adventures. Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit Mod for Minecraft is a total conversion of the minecraft game. What is Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit Mod ?
  • Play Minecraft with the latest Forge version, or the version of your choice.
  • Place Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit Mod file Jar into your Mods folder.
  • Open the folder Application Support and look for minecraft. On MAC OS X: open finder, hold down ALT and click Go then Library in the top menu bar. On Windows: open Run from the start menu, type %appdata%.minecraft and click Run.
  • Locate the Minecraft Application Folder:.
  • Run Minecraft with Forge installed at least once to generate the necessary files and folders.
  • The very first thing to do is make certain you installed Minecraft Forge.
  • minecraft lord of the rings mod

    Note: With this mod may require other mods to work see details below. You must install Minecraft Forge first, in order to use this mod. Instructions for installing Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit Mod step by step:

    minecraft lord of the rings mod

    We don’t modify or edit the files in any way! The download links have been updated every 3 times, which means you can always get the last version! If you have any issues, please make a comment below, and we will help you. You have to install Minecraft forge very first to use this mod. Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit Mod makes use of the modding API.

    minecraft lord of the rings mod

    Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit Mod Download Links.

    Minecraft lord of the rings mod